Source code for toolkit.ulib

# coding=utf8

:mod:`ulib` is a library for processing the unicode character or string more pythonic.

.. warning:: This module not finished, don't use it on product environment.


    * Chinese

from . import (

if not PY2:
    unichr = chr

class ULibException(ToolkitException):

class NotUnicodeException(ULibException):

def _is(u, start, end):
        oridinal = ord(u)
    except TypeError:
        err_msg = 'ulib excepted an unicode character, but {} of length {} found'
        raise NotUnicodeException(err_msg.format(type(u), len(u)))
        return True if start <= oridinal <= end else False

[docs]def is_cn(u): """ Test if the unicode character is a chinese character. :param u: Unicode character. :return: Bool Value """ return _is(u, 0x4e00, 0x9fa5)
[docs]def has_cn(us): """ Test if the unicode string contain an unicode chinese character. :param us: Unicode string. :return: Bool Value """ for u in us: if is_cn(u): return True else: return False
[docs]def is_digital(u): """ Test if the unicode character is a digital. :param u: Unicode character. :return: Bool Value """ return _is(u, 0x0030, 0x0039)
[docs]def cnlen(us): """ Calculate the length of unicode string. length of chinese character is 2. :param us: Unicode string. :return: Bool Value """ return len(us) + len(filter(is_cn, us))
def _f2h(u): ordinal = ord(u) if ordinal == 0x3000: ordinal = 0x0020 elif ordinal == 0x3001: ordinal = 0x002c elif ordinal == 0x3002: ordinal = 0x002e else: ordinal -= 0xfee0 print(u) print(ordinal) if ordinal < 0x0020 or 0x7e < ordinal: return u return unichr(ordinal)
[docs]def f2h(u): """ :param us: Unicode character or string. :return: """ if not type(u) is text_type: raise NotUnicodeException("f2h() excepted an unicode character or string.") if len(u) == 1: return _f2h(u) else: return ''.join(map(_f2h, u))